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How do we help?

Activities in Romania

In 2019, a total of 200 primary school children in Transylvania received school starting aid after buying school supplies, which was appropriately distributed and delivered to the beneficiaries by our volunteers and local teachers. The school aid was donated to the residents of the “Tiny House Street Kids” Mission House and Lídia Home operated by our partner organization, the Târgu Mureş-based Diaconia Center of the Lazarénum Foundation, and to the children of large families living in Târgu Mureş and in its neighbourhood.

We have been organizing Christmas donations in Transylvania for years. In 2019, we supported the institutions of the Lazarénum Foundation in Târgu Mureş with in-kind donations, just as 170 families raising several children living in their vicinity in Mureş County. The 4-tonne delivery contained sustainable food and fruit, and also detergents. In addition to providing care for the families, the shipment also contained a supply of sustainable food and cleaning supplies for half a year to a day-care home for children, an orphanage and a retirement home.

HIA played a significant role with its humanitarian assistance after the floods in the Temes region and Szeklerland in the 2000s. Immediate assistance was provided: we distributed vouchers for the purchase of building materials and goods, renovated institutions and community buildings, and set up playgrounds. In addition, we provided immediate assistance, mainly following the natural disasters, in Lopadea Nouă, in the Csángó region, Gyimes, Eastern Moldavia, Southern Romania and in other parts of the country.