Tax number: 19662927-1-43
Bank account number: 11705008-20464565
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About us

The Hungarian Interchurch Aid, founded in 1991, is one of the largest, internationally recognized charity organizations in Hungary. The founding churches grew into a community of professionals, volunteers, donors and responsible corporate partners to help the needy and people in trouble.
HIA provides assistance to those in need in Hungary, in the Carpathian Basin and in many countries around the world regardless of nationality, religion or world view, meeting the highest professional and transparency requirements.

Our mission

Hungarian Interchurch Aid is a community that works together to provide effective help to those in need and people in trouble.

Our priority objective is to offer a chance to catch up to families looking for a way out of poverty.

Our objectives

HIA-Hungary’s objective is to deliver quick, professional and effective assistance to crisis victims of natural and man-made disasters.
— Assistance to those in need
HIA-Hungary’s objective is to offer not only emergency assistance but also provide chances to break out of poverty for people who are ready to take actions to promote their catching-up.
— Fight against poverty
HIA-Hungary’s objective is to strengthen social solidarity through creating the culture of volunteering and giving.
— Stronger social solidarity​

How do we help?