Tax number: 19662927-1-43
Bank account number: 11705008-20464565
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Coronavirus epidemic: aid provided to healthcare institutions and individuals

In March 2020, our organization provided disinfectants to health care institutions in Berehove, and in April it delivered 5,000 medical masks and 1,000 bottles of Béres drops to health and social institutions in the city and the district.

In cooperation with Doktor24, we provide medical consultations in Hungarian via telecommunication devices in the framework of the TeleMed Care Program, and operate a COVID-19 telephone service and a 6-week TeleMed Presence Point for Hungarians in Transcarpathia. In addition, we provide food and hygiene unit packages for a total of 4,000 people for 4 months in Berehove and 30 settlements in the Berehove district for the elderly, large families, disadvantaged people, single parents and for people with disabilities. In addition to the population, 973 health workers in Berehove and the district receive food and hygiene unit packages.

Project budget: 54 047 250 HUF

Date: February – July 2020